Report - Part 3

Part 3

Future of Australia's naval shipbuilding industry Long-term planning

1 July 2015

© Commonwealth of Australia 2015
ISBN 978-1-76010-258-6

View the report as a single document - (PDF 865KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Senate Economics References Committee (PDF 20KB)
Acronyms and abbreviations (PDF 8KB)
Executive summary and recommendations (PDF 37KB)

New supply ships
Future submarines
Air Warfare Destroyers (AWDs)
Continuous build
Strategic naval shipbuilding plan
Industry investment

Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 63KB)

Conduct of inquiry
Structure of the report

Chapter 2 - Government response to committee's first report (PDF 84KB)

First report—tender process for new supply ships
Government response

Chapter 3 - Future submarines (PDF 178KB)

Defence White Paper—2009
Defence Capability Plan
Election and new government
New or evolved design
Speculation about Japanese submarine
Committee's findings in second report—open tender
Commitment to build 12 submarines
Competitive evaluation

Chapter 4 - AWD—Project of concern (PDF 169KB)

The Winter report
Reform strategy
Comprehensive cost review or forensic audit

Chapter 5 - Continuous build (PDF 127KB)

Warning signs
Recent developments
Supply chain
Need for continuity

Chapter 6 - Long term national strategic plan (PDF 78KB)

Defence White Paper 2015
Defence Capability Plan
Need for long term plan
Government's policies and plans

Chapter 7 - Defence industry (PDF 45KB)

Economic benefits of local builds

Senate shipbuilding inquiry dissenting report (PDF 29KB)
Additional Comments by Senator Nick Xenophon (PDF 46KB)
Appendix 1 - Submissions received to date (PDF 20KB)
Appendix 2 - Public hearings and witnesses (PDF 17KB)
Appendix 3 - Extract from Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Procurement procedures for Defence capital projects, Final Report, August 2012 Recommendation 16 (PDF 21KB)

Future submarines SEA 1000

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540